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If you're considering installing solar panels for your Morphett Vale home, we have written this specific page about information and interesting statistics for Morphett Vale and the 5162 postcode area in South Australia.

Postcode 5162 Solar Power Statistics

In Morphett Vale's postcode area (5162), more than 7,148 small-scale systems have been installed with a collective capacity of 29,838 kW as at December 31, 2021.

Given a population of 32,423, this works out to 920 watts per person in the area, compared to a 694 watts Australian average. There are approximately 14,309 dwellings in the 5162 area, so that calculates out at 50 solar panel systems per 100 dwellings - the Australian average is 33.

Based on a conservative average of 119,581 kWh of energy production a day (enough to power the equivalent of 7,474 homes) and retail electricity costs of 37c per kilowatt-hour; Morphett Vale and 5162 postcode area residents are collectively generating $16,149,401 of energy at retail prices a year!

Morphett Vale solar power system owners are also contributing to greenhouse gas emission reduction, with the systems in 5162 region avoiding 22,260 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Solar Energy Resources In Morphett Vale

Morphett Vale experiences solar irradiation levels reaching approximately 4.78 kilowatt-hours per square metre per day on average over a year.

Annual Morphett Vale Electricity Output Estimates

Based on the above, the following is what you should be able to expect from a solar panel installation in Morphett Vale in terms of annual solar energy output for the location, on average:

  • 3kW system - 4,388 kWh (equivalent to ~75% of annual electricity consumption)
  • 4kW system - 5,851 kWh (~100%)
  • 5kW system - 7,314 kWh (~125%)
  • 6kW system - 8,777 kWh (~150%)

Optimal Panel Angle And Orientation

Rooftop solar panels installed in Morphett Vale, South Australia should generally face North for the best results. For a good panel angle, the general rule of thumb is it should be around the same as latitude. In Morphett Vale's case, that is 35 degrees - but usually whatever your rooftop angle is will be fine (unless it's under 10 degrees - then tilt frames may be needed).

Feed In Tariffs In South Australia

As well as providing your home with electricity, Morphett Vale solar system installation owners can be paid for surplus energy generated. In SA, feed in tariffs currently range from 8c to 17c per kilowatt-hour exported - so, it's important to compare energy retailers for the best electricity plan in the 5162 area.

Morphett Vale Solar Energy Savings

Based on a 6kW system installation, a self-consumption rate of 50% and the low end of the feed in tariff range rate of 8c, Morphett Vale solar power system owners can expect to save $1,975 per year.


Morphett Vale Data Sources And Notes

Data sources used above for solar power information in Morphett Vale SA 5162 include:

  • Census 2016 - Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
  • Clean Energy Regulator data for postcode 5162 current as at December 31, 2021.
  • Onkaparinga City Council - South Australia


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